Monday, May 27, 2013

Swans & Klons

Swans and Klons
Swans & Klons

Nora Olsen

ISBN: 978-1-60282-874-2

4 Stars

*This is an uncorrected galley I received from NetGalley*

Rubric has lived for sixteen years without questioning her pampered way of life or the way of life for those, called Klons, that serve humans. When the girl she is dating, Salmon Jo, takes her on an adventure to the laboratory where human and Klon fetuses are made, they learn a secret so horrifying that they take drastic measures to change Society. Those who rule, the Doctor’s, will try to stop them and with no help from teachers or friends they have to depend solely on their love for each other as they run for their lives.

The solitary complaint is that I felt that more depth was needed in the explanation of Society.  I am not sure if this is going to be part of a series or not, so maybe it will be touched on more thoroughly in future installments.

So far, in my reading experience, this is a unique plot and I always enjoy running into that.  This is another novel with a strong female protagonist, even if she doubted herself. Rubric and Salmon Jo both have a lot of personality and complement each other perfectly.  The minor characters all fit the story nicely and it doesn’t feel overcrowded. Pacing in this one is quick and easily flows from page to page. (This could easily be read in one sitting.) There’s not a lot of action but it isn’t necessary since the story is interesting enough to hold attention. This is a great novel for teens (and a lot of adults too) since it is a story about self identity and getting to know and appreciate oneself. If there are more books to follow I will pick them up without question and I recommend this one.

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